Poems by Jalaluddin Rumi

  • Willing Slaves
  • From deep within my heart I always catch the scent of my Beloved. How can I help but follow that fragrance? Last night I was walking through Love's garden where a glimmer of my soul became a teeming river of light! Laughing roses sprang up along the banks. Dazzlin waters rolled past the thorns of being with speed enough to elude the sword of death. Every tree and blade of grass danced in the meadow. But to an eye without this vision, all seemed plain and ordinary. Suddenly a great cypress shot up from the ground! The whole garden roared with delight -- the jasmines exploded, the broad-leafed treas clapped their hands.
  • Through an Open Window
  • Come here and catch a kiss from those ruby lips. And if it costs you your life, consider it a bargain! But that kiss is too pure to mix with dust -- You must become a floating spirit, free from this body. The Ocean of Purity said to me: "Nothing is attained without effort. To get the precious pearl you must first smash the shell." For the rose's kiss This whole world is parching its lily-lips. I dare say, Even if you have the splendor of every king, and the beauty of Mars and Venus, don't accept a kiss from that beguiling Maiden. I Moon of the dark sky -- come in. I have opened the window for you. Tonight, touch my face, press your lips upon mine. Close the door of words that the window of your heart may open -- The Moon's kiss only comes through an open window.
  • A Mine of Rubies
  • Last night I learned how to be a lover of God, To live in this world and call nothing my own. I looked inward and the beauty of my own emptiness filled me till dawn. It enveloped me like a mine of rubies. Its hue clothed me in red silk. Within the cavern of my soul I heard a voice of a lover crying, "Drink now! Drink now!" -- I took a sip and saw the vast ocean -- Wave upon wave caressed my soul. The lovers of God dance around And the circle of their steps becomes a ring of fire round my neck. Heaven calls me with its rain and thunder -- a hundred thousand cries yet I cannot hear ... All I hear is the call of my Beloved.
  • We are as a Flute
  • We are as the flute, and the music in us is from thee; we are as the mountain and the echo in us is from thee. We are as pieces of chess engaged in victory and defeat: our victory and defeat is from thee, O thou whose qualities are comely! Who are we, O Thou soul of our souls, that we should remain in being beside thee? We and our existences are really non-existence; thou art the absolute Being which manifests the perishable. We all are lions, but lions on a banner: because of the wind they are rushing onward from moment to moment. Their onward rush is visible, and the wind is unseen: may that which is unseen not fail from us! Our wind whereby we are moved and our being are of thy gift; our whole existence is from thy bringing into being. ~~Mesnavi Book I, 599-607 ~~
  • You are Drunk
  • You are drunk and I'm intoxicated no one is around showing us the way home again and again I told you drink less a cup or two I know in this city no one is sober one is worse than the other one is frenzied and the other gone mad come on my friend step into the tavern of ruins taste the sweetness of life in the company of another friend here you'll see at every corner someone intoxicated and the cup-bearer makes her rounds I went out of my house a drunkard came to me someone whose glance uncovered a hundred houses in paradise rocking and rolling he was a sail with no anchor but he was the envy of all those sober ones remaining on the shore where are you from I asked he smiled in mockery and said one half from the east one half from the west one half made of water and earth one half made of heart and soul one half staying at the shores and one half nesting in a pearl I begged take me as your friend I am your next of kin he said I recognize no kin among strangers I left my belongings and entered this tavern I only have a chest full of words but can't utter a single one
  • Show Me Your Face
  • Show me your face I crave flowers and gardens open your lips I crave the taste of honey come out from behind the clouds I desire a sunny face your voice echoed saying "leave me alone" I wish to hear your voice again saying "leave me alone" I swear this city without you is a prison I am dying to get out to roam in deserts and mountains I am tired of flimsy friends and submissive companions I die to walk with the brave I am blue hearing nagging voices and meek cries i desire loud music drunken parties and wild dances one hand holding a cup of wine one hand caressing your hair then dancing in orbital circle that is what i yearn for I can sing better than any nightingale but because of this city's freaks I seal my lips while my heart weeps yesterday the wisest man holding a lit lantern in daylight was searching around town saying I am tired of all these beasts and brutes I seek a true human we have all looked for one but no one could be found they said yes he replied but my search is for the one who cannot be found
  • In Every Breath
  • In every breath if you're the center of your own desires you'll lose the grace of your beloved but if in every breath you blow away your self claim the ecstasy of love will soon arrive in every breath if you're the center of your own thoughts the sadness of autumn will fall on you but if in every breath you strip naked just like a winter the joy of spring will grow from within all your impatience comes from the push for gain of patience let go of the effort and peace will arrive all your unfulfilled desires are from your greed for gain of fulfillments let go of them all and they will be sent as gifts fall in love with the agony of love not the ecstasy then the beloved will fall in love with you
  • How Long Will You Hide
  • How long will you hide your beautiful festive smile teach your laughter to a flower manifest an eternity why do you think the door to the sky is closed on your face it allures and invites your magical touch to open and arrive an entire caravan is waiting in ecstasy for your coming and leading come on my friend use your talisman and harness all their souls today is the day to unite with your longing beloved wait no more for an unknown tomorrow a tambourine is in a corner begging your playing hands a flute is sitting dormant begging your happy lips
  • The Time Has Come
  • The time has come to break all my promises tear apart all chains and cast away all advice disassemble the heavens link by link and break at once all lovers' ties with the sword of death put cotton inside both my ears and close them to all words of wisdom crash the door and enter the chamber where all sweet things are hidden how long can i beg and bargain for the things of this world while love is waiting how long before i can rise beyond how i am and what i am
  • A Voice
  • A voice out of this world calls on our soul to wake up and rise this soul of ours is like a flame with more smoke than light blackening our vision letting no light through lessen the smoke and more light brightens your house the house you dwell in now and the abode you'll eventually move to now my precious soul how long are you going to waste yourself in this wandering journey can't you hear the voice can't you use your swifter wings and answer the call
  • Come On Darling
  • Come on darling pass me one more cup bestow on my soul tranquility once more and do it now today is my turn i can wait no more for the unknown tomorrow if you have as my share even a small trace of grace give it to me now don't make me wait let me go free help me to break out from this new trap i've fallen into again don't hand me over to the monster of my thoughts my thoughts are another trap another waiting vampire take my only belongings take them to the pawn shop pledge them once more and bring me the last cup